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Resource Directory

There are many other organizations in the United States and globally doing valuable work to prevent, treat, provide support for, and advocate for eating disorders. Below is a simple list to get you started if you’re looking for additional resources.
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
A nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.
Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC)
A coalition of organizations that advance the recognition of eating disorders as a public health priority. The EDC advocates to influence federal policy and to achieve full enactment of legislation.
Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders (F.E.A.S.T)
An international organization of and for caregivers of eating disorder patients. F.E.A.S.T. provides information and mutual support for families.
National Alliance for Eating Disorders
An organization with an eating disorder helpline and directory of eating disorder treatment providers –
Get Support Now
You are not alone. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, The National Alliance for Eating Disorders helpline can be reached at 866-662-1235 in the US. The helpline is run by clinicians and offers emotional support for individuals and their family, as well as referrals for all levels of eating disorders.

Eating Disorder Myths & Warning Signs

What to Do When Concerned