Eating Disorder Prevention & Recovery

Helping young people feel good in their bodies and with food.

Happy Kids
Get Involved. Make a Difference.
50% of girls aged 6-8 wish they were thinner
77% of young people experience body image distress
80% of people with eating disorders cannot access treatment

2 million healthy young people will develop an eating disorder by age 25 if we don't act. Millions more will grow up disliking their bodies and engaging in harmful food behaviors. The time to act is now.

Join us in creating a world for our kids where health matters more than appearance and recovery is within reach for everyone.

Adult talking with Child

What to Say

Want to raise kids who feel confident in their bodies? Learn 3 Simple Shifts to help your child avoid joining the 77% of young people struggling with body image distress—a key risk factor for serious health challenges. We recommend all adult role models start with this video.
Teen talking with Doctor

What to Say Healthcare

This CME offers pediatric healthcare professionals the latest evidence-based strategies for fostering constructive conversations about weight, BMI, and food relationships with children and their families.

Recovery Support Program

If you are battling an eating disorder, know you are not alone. We provide grants for essentials like groceries and housing to support individuals with financial need during intensive treatment. Take action today: learn how to get help for yourself or a loved one and apply for financial support.

Our Impact

  • Gabby
    Before treatment, my life was seemingly hopeless. More than anything, this grant helped me realize that people truly care out there. It made me feel like people really understand the struggles we face with eating disorders. With the WithAll grant, I was able to buy groceries for five weeks without any stress whatsoever and allowed me to stay in treatment for the time I’ve needed. It has truly saved my life.
    Recovery Support Program Grantee
  • Kristy
    WithAll's What to Say resources have helped me lay important groundwork for my kids to build and maintain healthy relationships with their bodies and food. I have become so aware of how people in our family and circle of friends talk about their own bodies in front of my children. I'm much more likely to chime in with points I have learned from WithAll. I'm trying to create a healthy space for my kids to develop and learn about their bodies, food, and the world they are in.
    What to Say Coach & Parent in Ontario
  • I was excited to broaden my base of knowledge in weight neutral care through What to Say Healthcare. The tips around talking to kids and parents were truly invaluable. I wish this training were integrated into all providers' basic medical training: this is essential if we seek to actually SUCCEED in positively impacting health and eliminating harm from medical systems.
    MD, M Health Fairview
  • This is groundbreaking work which I truly believe will save lives, and prevent many kids from developing eating disorders in the first place.
    WithAll Board Member
Healthy kids are happy kids.
850+ individuals awarded grants for treatment
2.2 million young people impacted by WithAll
730K adults reached with What to Say education

Stay Connected

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Our Partners

  • TimberTech
  • CLA
  • Kitty and Mark Westin
  • Live Brave 5k & 1 Mile
  • Minnwest Bank
  • Grove Health
  • The Family Nutritionist
  • AllTroo
  • Bailey & Co.
  • Polaris