This vibrant 11-year-old now battles feelings of shame about her body and appetite, influenced by well-intended but unaware adults who warn this young person about her size and eating habits (which, again, are typical). As her body matures to more closely resemble the...
How can adults support boys who are struggling with body image? In this video: Dr. Nagata shares several red flags to look for in boys who might be struggling with body image. You can learn more signs to look for here. Based on Dr. Nagata’s advice, here are some additional tips you can implement right...
How can adults support girls who are struggling with their body image? In this video: Body image concerns are unfortunately very typical for girls. It is not a reflection of things going on at home or any one parent. (1:16) The pandemic has also exacerbated this issue for many. (1:41) Avoid making...
How can adults show kids how to love/appreciate the body we each live in? In this video: Even when you think kids aren’t listening, they are. (0:50) Be mindful of the words you use around kids, and let them know that we don’t talk negatively about our bodies (01:12) Model positive self-talk and...
What do I do when someone tells my child they need to gain or lose weight for health? What to ask your doctor if they recommend weight loss or gain (1:11) Changes in weight during childhood are normal (1:30) Tips for encouraging movement without focusing on weight (2:03) Tips for encouraging eating habits...
Can I really trust my kid to eat “healthy”? In This Video: As adults, our role is to choose what foods are offered and when and where they are provided. As children, their role (which we can trust them to do) is to decide how much to eat, whether they will eat it,...
The State of Youth Sport and Opportunity for Children’s Health
They shared practical information, tips, and stories about the influence of coaches on young athletes’ physical and mental health. Did you miss this great series? Catch up on the episodes below! To learn more about our resources for coaches, including the What to Say...
Are you concerned about an athlete’s food or body image?
POSSIBLE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF AN EATING DISORDER WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT AN EATING DISORDER IN YOUR ATHLETE Take warning signs seriously. Early detection reduces the risks. Trust your gut and seek help for how best to proceed with your athlete. Seek advice on how...
Supporting our children in developing a healthy relationship with food & body
As parents, we all want our children to lead healthy, happy lives. You face a constant barrage of information from doctors, social media, public health initiatives, and other parents who provide you with tips and tricks for the very best ways to help your children...