About Us

Helping young people feel good in their bodies and with food.

Girl eating a sandwich

Who We Are

WithAll empowers adults with the tools they need to help children and young people foster a positive body image and relationship with food. As a 501(c)(3) organization serving a national audience, we also provide grants for those with financial need who also need intensive treatment to recover from an eating disorder. In partnership with donors and businesses, we’re on a mission to change cultural perspectives on health related to body and food, one step at a time.

Our Vision

To create a cultural shift of focusing on health and well-being instead of weight and appearance so all can feel good in their bodies and at peace with food.

Specifically, we are working with you to reach by 2030 one million new adults each year, impacting over two million young people. Looking ahead, with you we will reach 15% of the U.S. adult population, nearly 40 million people, with our resources. This represents the tipping point for cultural change, equivalent to 38.7 million people. This, so all young people can grow and feel good in their bodies and with food.

Hands in the middle

Together, we aspire to shape a society where:

  • It is commonly understood that weight does not define health.
  • We help ourselves and young people prioritize well-being and health behaviors, leaving behind harmful “body ideals” and diet culture.
  • Commenting on other’s bodies or food choices is akin to commenting on others’ blood type–why would we do it?
  • Youth’s time is spent being young! No longer are young people spending any time or precious brain space feeling bad about or wishing to change their bodies.
  • Everyone with an eating disorder who needs treatment can access it without barriers.

Simple & Accessible

WithAll resources are simple and accessible so anyone can immediately take action to confidently prioritize health and well-being.

Addressing the Unspoken

WithAll addresses the unspoken by calling out the harms of diet culture and body ideals. We are raising awareness and removing stigma surrounding eating disorders.
Newton's Cradle Balance Balls

Engagement & Impact

Partnering with involved individuals, families, and communities, we demonstrate effectiveness through data and outcomes.

WithAll grew out of a mission-driven collaboration between the Emily Program, a nationally recognized leader in eating disorder treatment, and Kitty Westin and her family following the tragic death of her daughter, Anna.

For nearly two decades, with partners and supporters, we have advanced eating disorder awareness, education, and recovery support to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United States. For those who are working to recover from an eating disorder while also dealing with financial needs, WithAll supports their recovery efforts by offering financial assistance grants for groceries and housing.

In 2018, we broadened our mission to include eating disorder prevention through the What to Say program. Through What to Say resources for adults who care for kids, we serve young people to feel good in their bodies and with food so eating disorders don’t develop in the first place. All of this is possible thanks to generous individuals and business sponsors.


“WithAll” with its capital “A” and “W”, reflects that Anna Westin’s spirit is always with us, propelling us forward, committed to providing practical, accessible support to those who are working to recover their life from the grips of an eating disorder.

Our name also acknowledges the wherewithal required to build a world where young people and adults feel peaceful in their body and with food–a world where we no longer lose precious time and energy trying to fit a “body ideal” or associating our self-worth with what we eat.

Our Team

Lisa Radzak

Lisa Radzak

Executive Director

Lindsay Crye

Lindsay Crye

Associate Director

Shannon Edelbrock

Shannon Edelbrock

Development and Operations Manager

Kelly Robbins

Content Marketing Manager

Katee Crawford

Senior Manager for Individual Giving

Make a Difference. Get Involved.

Board Members

Derek Waller


Mike Healy


Dena Angelos

Sales Director

Jennifer Cramer-Miller

VP, Sales & Marketing

Alison Humphrey

Marketing Group Specialist

Ali Jonswold


Katie Loth

Assistant Professor

Jason Luedtke


Jessica McVay


Jessi Misslin

Program Officer

Riw Rakkulchon

Set Designer

Jordan Rudolph


Suzette Schommer

General Counsel and Chief Compliance & Privacy Officer

Ann Senne

Head, Advice and Solutions Group


Larry Espel

Jillian Lampert

Kitty Westin

Founding Leaders

Mary Mathiowetz

Dan Mehls

Carol Peterson, PhD

Frank Schlick