A Simple Guide for What to Say: Holidays Edition Video
Published November 23, 2021

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, and the many challenges the last 18 months have placed on gatherings, many of us are looking forward to finally spending time with family and friends at holiday parties, family dinners, and other celebrations in the coming months.
Recorded November 28, 2021
“I had way too many cookies this Christmas. I’m going to need to go on a diet in the new year to get things back on track.”
“I can’t eat those potatoes. They’re full of fat and butter, it’s so bad for you!”
“I’m going to need to work out so much tomorrow to make up for all of the food ate at Seder.”
How many of us have heard comments like this at our annual holiday celebrations and wished we knew what to say to our well-meaning friends and family to encourage them to not talk about diet and weight in front of the kids we love?
Through WithAll’s What to Say initiative, we want to equip all adults with simple tools to help kids develop healthy relationships with food, body, and exercise. At the same time, we also want to help adults encourage their loved ones to shift their own language around kids.
With 70% of girls and 40% of boys reporting body dissatisfaction, there is no better time for you to make a positive impact on the kids in your life.