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Posts for Parents

Aug 17, 2022
You’ve got questions, we’ve got experts. This virtual session with Dr. Katie Loth and Dr. Charlotte Markey in April 2022 goes deeper into how you can support life-long health and well-being for the kids in your life through the words you say…
Jun 15, 2022
People are not data points. Here is why physical indicators like the Body Mass Index should be decentralized from DSM’s Eating Disorder Criteria
Dec 16, 2021
Thank you for taking the pledge to stop diet and weight talk around the kids in your life. As you’re living out the pledge, you may notice other adults your child looks up to do not know the importance of their words…
Nov 23, 2021
With the holiday season rapidly approaching, and the many challenges the last 18 months have placed on gatherings, many of us are looking forward to finally spending time with family and friends at holiday parties, family dinners, and other celebrations in the coming months.
Nov 18, 2021
As you’re living out the pledge to stop diet and weight talk, you may notice other adults your child looks up to do not know the importance of their words about food, body, and exercise. You may notice some of them do…
Nov 3, 2021
“Diet talk" includes any conversation about restricting certain foods or food groups, especially for the sake of wanting to change one's body weight, shape, or size. This includes such practices as harmful food labeling”, or assigning a “moral” value to foods. This causes us to value ourselves or others based on which foods we do/do…
Nov 3, 2021
Kids will and do receive negative messaging from all over, especially considering the increased use of media in our digital world. It’s important to help our kids navigate that and learn what voices to listen to and which to disregard.
Nov 3, 2021
Research shows that focusing on weight does not contribute to healthier lifestyles. It’s also important to remember that size does not equate health.  If health is what we are concerned about, we need to keep the focus on health.
Nov 3, 2021
Research shows “weight talk” has a negative impact on kids. Weight talk is harmful. Talking to a child with judgment about their weight, your weight, and the weight of others is known to contribute to the development of negative thoughts about one’s body. 
Nov 3, 2021
“Weight talk" is any mention of your, a child’s, or someone else’s weight. This could be in a seemingly “positive” way, “you look great – have you lost weight?” or negative “My stomach is so flabby – gross!” Equally as harmful is commenting (positively or negatively) about bodies on TV or magazine covers.
Oct 21, 2021
At WithAll, we believe it is important, no matter the reason for your concern, to not single out a child or a subgroup of children when encouraging food and exercise habits. This can be stigmatizing and isolating and can indicate to the child that their body is wrong or needs to be fixed.
Sep 20, 2021
In today's video Dr. Jillian Lampert shares advice for parents wondering how to support their kids with special dietary restrictions, such as food allergies.